
Maria, Charlotte Kerer

Blueing laundry - washing diapers
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning ? Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
They did the laundry every 2 weeks - in a big ... they had large tubs. It was done with - soap made from ashes. The ashes, hot water was poured onto them and that's how .. and with this soap we then washed the laundry. We boiled it and then scrubbed it or went .. to the creek and with - .. we called it blueing - and beat the laundry - and kept rinsing it in the creek. Then we put it back onto the board and beat it again, till it was halfway clean. I still did that. Yes. Did the farmers have children of their own? Yes, they had kids, yes. I always had to look after the children too. And the children - my God, when they were small - puting on their shoes and stockings? When they han't yet been toilet trained, 5 it was as follows: there weren't any diapers, disposable ones. I had to wash the diapers, all of them. Wash them all. That`s what it was like. ... You cleaned the child, you put the diaper into a bucket, and in the evening, when it was full - there were maybe 2, 3 children you had to wash the diapers. The next day they were boiled in a pressure cooker on the stove. There was this laundry pot - and the diapers were boiled in it. Yes.